Changes & Returns

Product return

You have the right to request a refund of the product you purchased from our online store for any reason and to request a change or refund within 14 days of receiving it .

In all cases the product to be returned must be in the condition in which you received it and bear all the original accompanying documents (purchase receipt, instructions for use, etc.). It must not have been used, worn or soiled, and its label must not have been removed or damaged.

To return, you must email us at & nbsp; com . Your email should be marked “ Return ” stating your order number , product or products (e.g. POLO bag) you wish to return and their reason for return (eg Defective Product or Product Change).

Every return is made exclusively through & nbsp; ACS . If you make your return with any other courier company it is your responsibility and charge.

* For any questions, clarifications or instructions you can email us or call us at 23910 31 070 .

Exchange with another product

In case you want to return the product you bought from our online store, you can do it for free within 14 days from the day you received it.

Returned products can be exchanged for products of equal or greater value. You send us the package back for free and after the confirmation of the condition of the products, we send you your new package.

In the case of & nbsp; change you will be charged the shipping costs again (€ 3.00).

Wrong or defective product

In case of store error in sending the correct product, or sending a defective product. Shipping costs are borne entirely by our store.

In this case the returned products can be exchanged for the same product, with another item of equal or greater value, or you will be refunded.

Important information

The responsibility for returning the products rests with you until the products are delivered to the store. For this reason, make sure that they are properly packaged and can not be damaged during transport. The store is not responsible for any loss or damage of the product to be returned during transport.

Refunds we receive outside the terms of our policy will not be accepted.

Order cancellation

You can cancel your order within 3 hours of completion by calling us at 23910 31 070 or by e-mail at [email protected] Depending on the progress of your order, we will inform you about the options you have.


The return address for purchase from the e-shop is:

Bibliopoleio Elpida

Davaki 6, 57007

Adendro, Thessaloniki

Phone Number: 23910 31 070